We're really fortunate to work with some absolutely fantastic funders and partners who make our work possible.
Our friends include: Tollcross YMCA, the Scottish Music Centre, Music Plus, Glasgow Music Studios, Kinning Park Complex, Includem, Refuweegee, 23rd Precinct, Sense Scotland, Scottish Community Development Centre, For All Bridgeton, Bridgeton Community Learning Campus, FARE, NHS Scotland, GMAC, Who Cares? Scotland, the Prince's Trust, FUSE, PEEK, North Glasgow Integration Network, Govan Community Project and many, many (many!) more. You're all brilliant!
On the funding side, huge thanks to: Creative Scotland, Glasgow City Council; Foundation Scotland, Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust, Comic Relief, Children in Need, the Robertson Trust, Voluntary Action Fund, Youthlink Scotland, Cashback for Communities, Cashback for Creativity, the Life Changes Trust, Awards for All, HBJ Claims Solutions, the Commonweal Fund and the Transpennine Express for all of your support over the years. You've helped hundreds of people get into music and creativity since 2003.